Britain and Its Influence Worldwide

The most obvious worldwide influence of Britain is the modern English language. Approximately 1.5 billion people speak this language, or roughly 20 percent of the world population. It is the second most widely spoken language in the entire world, second to Mandarin. However, China has been aggressively learning English as it is integrating itself into the world order, and English may someday overtake Mandarin.

The English language, however, is not the only influence of Britain as it has been a colonizer all around the globe for hundreds of years. At the height of the British Empire in the early twentieth century, when it was regarded as the largest empire in history, 23 percent of the world population was under it and covered 24 percent of the entire world’s land area. The British Empire was unlike the second biggest empire of the Mongols that only covered continental Asia and central Europe. During this period, its colonies were all over the globe: Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, and the Americas to name a few. With territories everywhere, no wonder it was called “the empire on which the sun never sets.”

As a colonizer, it has influenced its colonies with its culture—from industries, religion, to governments. Many of its colonies have become first-world countries such as Canada, Australia, and the early states of America that became United States of America when it gained independence.

Though it has lost many of its colonies, it still holds sway on the world economy. With its recent Brexit, it is expected to have chilling effects in Europe socially and economically and, consequently, the whole interconnected world of trade.

Also, despite its decline in military power after the Second World War, it still has a permanent seat in the United Nation’s Security Council. This means that it can veto any draft council resolution, which may be supported by the majority of the UN countries.

It appears the country’s influence is here to stay. Its take on many social, cultural, economic, and political issues continue to influence other nations in their decision-making processes. Countries who ally with the UK form some of the strongest unions in the world. Overall, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is still one of the formidable forces in world affairs.

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